Ecommerce SEO is a special type of SEO. That's because e-commerce's primary content is products. E-commerce SEO is very much about how you structure the products on the site. This means that technical SEO is very important when doing SEO for an e-commerce site.

What is Search Engine Optimisation for Ecommerce?

Every day, about 50-70 million searches made in Google. About 10% of them are searches where Google users have the money in hand, ready to spend. It is to reach these searchers that one does e-commerce SEO.
Examples of such searches are "shoes", "running shoes", "coffee grinder", "dresses", "trip to milano", "buy a car". There may also be well-known brands that are sought after. The reason is that when Google users search for a brand, it is a clear sign that they want to shop. Examples of valuable brand searches include "Nike", "Betsson", "Electrolux", "Iphone".
To get your e-commerce SEO organised, there are many details that need to work together. A great deal of technical expertise required for working with technical e-commerce SEO.

Who does SEO for e-commerce?

If you have a large product database in your e-commerce, you are a good candidate for doing successful e-commerce SEO. Examples are companies such as iconic, H&M, etc.

How to do e-commerce SEO?

SEO Expert Melbourne's SEO process for e-commerce explained here. We have a two-part process with the following steps:
  • Planning of SEO
  • Implementation of SEO

1. Planning e-commerce SEO

We develops a planning (SEO strategy) to answer the following questions:
  • What to do?
  • How should it be done?
  • Who will do it?
  • When should it be done?
Also, a clear implementation process is also needed between us and your technical department.
Here, feedback and insights from the technology department and management also need to provided. It is important that the engineering department can say its own, if the project is to succeed.

2. Implementation of SEO for e-commerce

In this phase, the technology department's usual agile process is used to implement the planned measures. All the time, careful control of what is being done is needed. If you want Google to rank thousands of products and hundreds of product categories, you have to get all the details right.
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