Here you can read about work-oriented rehabilitation of a patient and who does what.

Who should do what?

Health care is responsible for medical rehabilitation. These are measures that will lead to a person retaining or regaining his physical and mental functioning as far as possible.
The patient's employer is responsible for the work-oriented rehabilitation. These are measures that will help the employee to retain or regain his ability to work as far as possible.
The Social Insurance Office investigates the need for work-oriented measures and coordinates efforts from the health care system, the employer, the Employment Service, the social services and other actors so that the patient can return to work or job seekers. We also coordinate the efforts of people with activity compensation.

The patient should:

  • Participate in planning and actions that will allow them to start working again as soon as possible.
  • Participate actively in their own rehabilitation. If they do not, they can lose their right to compensation.

Healthcare should:

  • Suggest measures to ensure that the patient retains or regains his or her physical and mental functioning as far as possible.
  • Participate in a reconciliation meeting if the Social Insurance Office calls for such.

The employer shall:

  • Keep in regular contact with their employees during sick leave.
  • Adapt the work situation as far as possible so that the employee can work, for example by adapting work tasks, working hours or work place.
  • Investigate if there is any other suitable work in the business that the employee can perform.
  • Prepare a plan for return to work no later than day 30 from the beginning of the illness, for the employee who is assumed to have a reduced work capacity for at least 60 days.
  • Participate in a reconciliation meeting if the Social Insurance Office calls for it.

The Social Insurance Office shall:

  • Assessing the patient's ability to work and assessing the right to compensation.
  • Determine if the patient would be able to work in the regular labor market despite his illness.
  • If necessary, coordinate the various actions the patient needs to get back to work.
  • If necessary, call for a reconciliation meeting.
  • If necessary, make an insurance medical examination.